Monday, November 23, 2009 - Content Map - Content Map

Census in the Arts | Census of Marine Life

Census in the Arts Census of Marine Life

The Art of Regional Change » Passion for the land

The Art of Regional Change » Passion for the land
The dirt or sand between my toes has a safe feeling.
Sun warm on my back
My heart could break into a thousand pieces and I will find solace planting each piece in my garden letting my heart grow to love again.
I love you too much to let you break it again. But just to let you know, I have an army of hearts awaiting in my yard to mend and protect this shinning one.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Net Metering

I am interested in moving off the grid. A yr or so ago I got an estimate for a 26thou installation
Kinda a lot. when will it be more resonable. My well is electric so I use plenty to water this farm on sand.
Working with permaculture experts to help with the irrigation issues.

Net Metering